Create. Generate.

When I first started my blog, I thought I would need a list of topics that I would write on. Initially, I could only come up with a handful of ideas so I thought maybe I shouldn’t start it or that I wouldn’t follow through. However, something inside me urged me forward. I now understand that there were a few things at play here.

Generate. Create. These are words that I had in my lexicon, but which now have a great deal more meaning. Now, these words resonate in a whole new way. My blog is not a list of essays from a previously-made list. Each idea is generated from a place of inner wisdom at a time when I’m able to access that inner voice. My thoughts generate from an inspiring quote, thought-provoking book or podcast, or an impactful conversation or experience. They are not predetermined; they are purely organic. 

Early on in motherhood, I wondered: Will I have enough patience? How will I know what to do? Like many, I thought I had to have all the answers. Later on, as we were expecting our second child, I wondered: How will I love them as much? The truth is, like many, I didn’t have the answers, or the patience, or the knowledge, or the love. I create it every single day (and let me tell you, some days the patience is more generous than other days!). My heart doesn’t have a predetermined amount that it can love any more than I have a list of pre-determined topics for my blog. The love is created from within, just as these posts are. 

Writing is a tool I use to access and express that voice. It’s not for everyone, but I also think that I held myself back because I didn’t consider myself a writer. And I still don’t, but I have learned to use writing as a vehicle for self expression and connection. It helps me gain clarity and find my way. I challenge you to give it a try - you never know what you might create!


A Mother’s Love


Asking for help