Following my heart
Last time I wrote, I shared that I was going to take some time to re-evaluate my summer goals for coaching. We are now nearing the end of the summer, and I haven’t written a single blog post in that time. That was never my intention, but I felt called to reflect on this today.
When I started my blog, it was a monumental step for me. It was a direct reflection of the stage of my personal growth - I was stepping into my own, taking up space with my thoughts, ideas and opinions and finding my voice. Reflecting back, I see how far I have come in that regard. This blog is literally an open journal of my own journey of self expression. Pretty cool! When blog posts didn’t emerge for me over the summer, I initially felt some pangs of guilt. Where have my ideas gone? I felt as though my voice - my thoughts, ideas, opinions had just gone quiet. So then I asked myself: How do I nurture myself back to a space of abundance?
As the summer comes to an end, it’s becoming clearer. I have spent a great deal of my time pursuing one of my summer goals - to develop a podcast. It’s been a project on my heart for several years now, but there was always a reason why it wasn’t coming to fruition. Now I can beautifully see why: This blog has been an evolution of my voice. It’s the step I needed to take to express myself publicly, to take up space, to grow my confidence. The next step of that journey is the podcast. My voice will literally be heard for any who choose to listen!
Why am I choosing to share all of this? It’s not because I want others to understand my business decisions (although perhaps that’s interesting for some!). It’s because I have motherhood to thank for this evolution. I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again now: Our children hold up the mirror to ourselves; they help us to see the parts of ourselves that are hidden/we avoid/we don’t always like. My children have helped me to see how important it is to be exactly who they are unapologetically. To do so, I also need to be exactly who I am unapologetically. For me, this means putting my ideas out to the world regardless of the fear of rejection or disagreement. In a coaching call today, it became so clear to me how a mother-child relationship is truly symbiotic: we offer our children as much as they offer us if we are willing and open to accept it. I want my children to feel confident in what they have to offer the world because I see all of their gifts. In turn, as a model for them to follow, I need to do the same for myself.
I don’t know exactly what this means for my blog. I don’t have a 6 or 12 month plan. However, as I would say to my children, I’m going to follow my heart. It hasn’t steered me wrong yet!
Here’s to children being our greatest teachers!